Rape Victim Applauded For Act Of Sex: Why The Double Standard?

Rape Victim Applauded For Act Of Sex: Why The Double Standard?

Written by Ashcreek Ranch AcademyPosted on

As you may have heard, a 24-year-old teacher and coach, by the name of Megan Mahoney, was charged with over 30 counts of rape. Ms. Mahoney, of Moore Catholic High School in Staten Island New York, had multiple sexual encounters with her 16-year-old student. The most disturbing thing about this incident is how the vile sex crimes are being treated by the public.

It is reported that the young victim was recently released from the hospital where he was treated for a sprained wrist. An ailment that was a result of all the “high fives” he received from every male he came into contact with at school.

Is it unreasonable to hold women to the same standard as we would a man? A person who is in a position of authority and protector in their classroom? The video below is another example of the double-standard that we often see when roles are reversed in a rape or sexual assault situation.

Teen Boys Are Still Innocent

The young men in question are, in fact, the innocent parties. It is imperative as parents that we let our young men know that such advances from older women are not acceptable. A teen boy deserves just as much protection as a teen girl. These young men deserve to see justice done to the women who took advantage of them and robbed them of their innocence.

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