Christian Counseling Centers
As a directory of mental health programs and services, Therapy Insider is the trusted online resource specifically designed for people searching for Christian counseling centers in their area.
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The specialists and family advocates at Therapy Insider can help you find the most suitable Christian counseling center and Christian counselors - who specialize in the treatment of troubled teens, struggling young adults, and families. Let us assist you in finding the most suitable Christian-based therapeutic and mental health care.
Christian Counseling (also known as pastoral counseling or "soul-care") involves psychologically trained ministers, priests, imams, or other specialists, who draw upon psychology and Christianity. These specialists use hope and healing therapy, combined with faith, in an integrated therapeutic approach.
christian family counseling
Christian family counseling uses multiple methods for mental health treatment, including offering advice and encouragement, sharing wisdom and skills, setting goals, resolving conflict, etc. Christian counselors dig deep, probing the past in an attempt to repair the present.
They also explore the affects of physical and chemical imbalances that can cause physiological problems. A major part of Christian counseling is to use psychology and faith in resolving and restoring conflicts between people.
Christian counselors work from an absolute standard by which to measure client's objectives and evaluate their client's lifestyle. Christian counselors see the Bible as the source of all truth.
The secular counselor has no such standard; instead, they use the latest psychological findings or societal norm, both of which change with the winds of time.
Christian Mental Health Counseling
Christian counselors understand that the Bible has a lot of practical wisdom about human nature, marriage and family, human suffering, and so much more. By using biblical concepts in Christian mental health counseling, they instruct people in the way they should go and also hold them accountable.
Although Christian counselors often use skills from the field of secular psychology and counseling, they recognize that the Bible, not psychology, is the final authority. A Christian counselor's major strategy is to help their clients substitute biblical truth for error as they go about their day-to-day lives.
Therapy Insider is a premier mental and behavioral health directory website, specializing in crisis intervention and restorative and therapeutic support for parents of struggling adolescents and young men and women; who are wanting the most suitable Christian counseling centers and community mental health caregivers for their child.
Use the map below to find a Christian counselor in your area; or if you are wondering how to find mental health counseling, you may contact our choice consultants by calling today!