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Adolescent Behavior Assessment


The adolescent behavior assessment was designed, and is strongly utilized, for children and teens that act out durring a specific period of time. These assessments look beyond the bad behavior, and interpret it as a trigger for poor behavior. For example, your child may be one of those that love to chat during class and is frequently sent to the hallway for the duration of the lesson. The assessment may interpret that disruption as an inability to comprehend the subect matter.

What is the process to the assessment?

The adolescent behavior assessment is contructed to provide the following:

  1. Observe the poor behavior.
  2. Identify the circumstances in which it occurs.
  3. Document actions that precede and follow the behavior.
  4. Identify triggers and pay-offs.
  5. Understand the teacher response to this evaluation.
  6. Evaluate the way your child reacts.
  7. Document the frequency of behavior.

When is an Adolescent Behavior Assessment Necessarry?

As a parent, you constantly hope that you'll catch the problem before it starts. Unfortunately there is no promise to this and you must wait for the obvious before taking action. However there are times when it may be necessary to take immediate action to assist with your childs poor behavior. A behavior assessment may be necessary if:

  • Your child is not excelling acedemically and as socially expected.
  • There is a disagreement between yourself and your childs educational leaders.
  • After suspension and consideration for different placements.
  • Your child has been placed on neurological medications and shows signs of a newly developed personality; E.g. Depression, Epilepsy, Anxiety, etc.