Sometimes, All We Need Is A Little Fun

Sometimes, All We Need Is A Little Fun

Written by Brett BrostromPosted on in Section Relationships That Matter

“We know at the present time that all animals, beginning with the ants, going on to the birds, and ending with the highest mammals, are fond of plays, wrestling, running after each other, trying to capture each other, teasing each other, and so on. And while many plays are, so to speak, a school for the proper behavior of the young in mature life, there are others which, apart from their utilitarian purposes, are, together with dancing and singing, mere manifestations of an excess of forces—“the joy of life,” and a desire to communicate in some way or another with other individuals of the same or of other species—in short, a manifestation of sociability proper, which is a distinctive feature of all the animal world.”

These are the words of Peter Kropotkin, a Russian philosopher among other things, who denounced his position as a prince to pursue a more free life. It illustrates the point that no matter what type of being you are, it is in our nature to have fun. It’s kind of an odd thought, that other creatures are just as playful as we are as children, and sometimes as adults. However, if you look at most adults, it’s almost as if we forget how to have fun. We become so engulfed with our responsibilities, we lose focus on what’s really important and fall into a slump. But who can blame us? Life is expensive. Not only financially (which it is very expensive in that regard), but in work and family and all the other stresses of every day life. For many, it’s nearly impossible to make time for fun.

So What Should You Do?

The first thing you should do is figure out what you like. The things you like as a teenager will change by the time you even get into your twenties (and beyond), so you may need to figure out what brings you joy. If you feel like you don’t have the time to be spontaneous, plan some time for yourself or with your family and go do something fun. You’ll feel refreshed, have a clear mind, and be ready for whatever life throws at you. Don't let life get in the way of you enjoying yourself, your family, or your friends. 


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