Essential Reads Article Listings

The Psychology of "The Caravan"

The Psychology of "The Caravan"

The Psychology of "The Caravan" It's not that "The Caravan," thousands of Central American refugees, is headed to a border near and dear to you, it's that such a caravan could just as easily be you too. "The caravan is more than...

Anger Disorder in the Electorate

Anger Disorder in the Electorate

Anger Disorder in the Electorate Nearly two years ago, the unexpected results of a presidential election angered nearly half of the U.S. population. Over the course of that time, we have witnessed the difference between those who were...

Voting is Good for Mental Health, Well Being

Voting is Good for Mental Health, Well Being

Voting is Good for Mental Health, Well Being While American politicos look to exclude the mentally ill from the U.S. election process, researchers are trying to show the world that being able to exercise one’s right to vote just...

After Bizarre White House Rant Source Close to Kanye West Says that Family is Worried About the State of His Mental Health

After Bizarre White House Rant Source Close to Kanye West...

Source Close to Kanye Says that Family is Worried About his Mental Health and Well-Being After delivering a 10-minute, mostly incoherent rant in the Oval Office, earlier this month, friends, and family of Kanye West say they are...

Jump Right In

Jump Right In

Diving into waiting it out … I have ADHD, I’ve mentioned that, right? And I’ve told you all about instant gratification being a driving force for those of us with this affliction? If I haven’t, I’m...

Phone Apps, Video Games, Computer Simulations and Teacher Preparation

Phone Apps, Video Games, Computer Simulations and Teacher...

There’s an App For That, Right? Video games can build mental muscles. Research over the last decade says so. Look for yourself. They’re not just games kids play anymore. Researchers Say “Video gaming can increase...

Ashton Kutcher : Actor. Father. Entrepreneur. American Hero.

Ashton Kutcher : Actor. Father. Entrepreneur. American Hero.

// While much of Hollywood’s A-list celebrities are quick to use their fame as a platform to voice their complaints about political and social injustices, even the most vocal within the entertainment industry rarely choose...

To Parents of An Angry Troubled Teen or Young Adult: Here's Some Advice

To Parents of An Angry Troubled Teen or Young Adult:...

Anger in Troubled Teens and Young Adults Everyone feels anger. Whether it stems from standing in a long line behind a senior citizen whose attempting to pay with expired war-bonds, or finding out you're highly underappreciated, sci-fi...

Fake Xanax Known As Super Pills Kills 9 In Florida

Fake Xanax Known As Super Pills Kills 9 In Florida

 Fake Xanax, AKA 'Super Pills' is 50 times stronger than heroin and has killed nine in Florida Partying teenagers and young adults beware: There is a deadly, counterfeit Xanax pill being sold on the streets of Florida. The fake...