Embracing Our Uniqueness Article Listings

Virtual Reality Helping Autistic Children Learn

Virtual Reality Helping Autistic Children Learn

If you follow the technology industry at all, you may have heard about Facebook buying the virtual reality headset known as “Oculus Rift.” If you haven’t heard about it, Oculus Rift is designed to immerse the user into...

Teen Boy With Autism Gets Opportunity To Play High School Basketball

Teen Boy With Autism Gets Opportunity To Play High School...

Fulfilling His Dreams It was during the final minutes of a championship game between Trinity Classical Academy and Desert Chapel High School earlier this month, that one of the best displays of sportsmanship in recent memory took place....

A Fathers Beautiful Photos Document Autistic Sons Interactions with the World

A Fathers Beautiful Photos Document Autistic Sons...

Parents of kids with autism know that their kids see the world a little bit differently from the rest of us. And while, of course, at times this can mean having to deal with behavior that can be difficult to manage, we know that...

Non-Profit Organization Helps Autistic Adults Find Jobs

Non-Profit Organization Helps Autistic Adults Find Jobs

Something that most people don't stop to think about is the fact that over the next 10 years, a tidal wave of approximately a half-million young adults with autism will be aging out of school and seeking employment. With the reporting of...

New Tracking Devices for Autistic Children

New Tracking Devices for Autistic Children

The body of Avonte Oquendo was found in New York this last January. Avonte ran from his school more than three months prior to being found, and both his parents and hometown searched frantically. Avonte was unsupervised, and shown on...

Learn About "Gut Health" and "Healthy Brain Function" in Children with ADHD and ASD

Learn About "Gut Health" and "Healthy...

With the awareness being brought forward regarding gut health and neurocounseling, the future looks bright for our children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although all the tools...

Is the Love Hormone a New Help for Treating Autism?

Is the Love Hormone a New Help for Treating Autism?

Oxytocin, sometimes called “The Love Hormone,” has been on the forefront of autism research, reports the New York Times. There has been many positive findings regarding its effect on autistic children, however, it has also...

Is Autism Less Common Among Some Ethnic Groups?

Is Autism Less Common Among Some Ethnic Groups?

A new study suggests that certain ethnic groups may have dramatically lower rates of autism among their children. This study was conducted by a team of researchers operating out of Israel, and their findings have the potential to change...

I Thought Asperger's Meant You Didnt Care About Other's Feelings: Boy Was I Wrong

I Thought Asperger's Meant You Didnt Care About...

Before I had a child with asperger's, I always thought that this condition made a person cold and standoffish. This couldn't have been further from the truth. My son was born 14 years ago, and was diagnosed with Asperger's early in life....