Aerobic Exercise Facilitates the Free Flow of Thought (Continued)

Written by Craig Rogers, Posted on , in Section Hero Featured

"Aerobic Exercise Facilitates the Free Flow of Thought," continued from previous page....

Needless to say, this was music to my ears on many levels. First, I love any anecdotal evidence that supports my hypothesis that aerobic exercise helps people "think about their thinking" and allows "insights to emerge." Second, I love Peter's terminology of "free flow of thought" because thematically, flow, fluid intelligence, and superfluidity are all on the same wavelength. Thank you again, Peter Gray!

This morning, I woke up and decided to share the insights and biking habits of Peter Gray in a PT post as evidence supporting the fact that aerobic exercise can stimulate creative thinking and lead to "Aha!" moments. Stay tuned for more empirical findings on this topic.

To read more on the link between aerobic exercise, creativity, and fluid intelligence—check out my Psychology Today blog posts,

"Eureka! Deconstructing the Brain Mechanics of "Aha!" Moments"
"Too Much Crystallized Thinking Lowers Fluid Intelligence"
"Can Physical Activities Improve Fluid Intelligence?"