Parenting On Purpose Article Listings

Anxiety Epidemic

Anxiety Epidemic

Did I leave my oven on? Is this cab driver going to kidnap me? Will I be able to afford rent this month? If I park here am I going to get a ticket? I can’t afford a ticket. How do you feel? Do you feel… anxious? Why so...

The Greatest Taboo

The Greatest Taboo

Many cultures have subjects that are not often mentioned, such as suicide and mental illness. In our society today, there are two main "elephants in the room" that are hardly ever discussed: Suicide and Mental Illness. There seems to...

Remember More: 10 Tips to Maximize Your Memory

Remember More: 10 Tips to Maximize Your Memory

A better memory can benefit everybody. Incorporate these 10 tips into your daily routine to maximize your memory and improve your life. Exercise your body AND your mind Mental exercises are not the only way to enhance your mental...

Despite What We Know, A Lot of People Still Smoke

Despite What We Know, A Lot of People Still Smoke

If you take a minute to think about just how crazy smoking is, you might wonder why people do it. Not only do the health consequences make smoking a poor decision, the financial ramifications are pretty obvious as well. So why on earth...

OTC Opium - Introduction to Kratom

OTC Opium - Introduction to Kratom

Known in the botanical and scientific world as Mitragyna speciosa, a new plant is taking the recreational drug scene by storm. Better known as Kratom, this green plant belongs to the coffee family and is native to Southeast Asia. People...

5 Ways To Make Life Easier

5 Ways To Make Life Easier

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, allowing us to do things more quickly and efficiently. But too often it seems to make things harder, leaving us with fifty-button remote controls, digital cameras with hundreds of...

Even Popularity Can't Keep Some Teens From Being Bullied

Even Popularity Can't Keep Some Teens From Being...

Life is hard for any high school or middle school student, but does popularity make life any easier? A study out of the University of California and Pennsylvania University investigates this question. It is typical to think that people...

Science Wonders if There is a Positive Side to Some Petty Behaviors and the Result Might Surprise You

Science Wonders if There is a Positive Side to Some Petty...

In every group of friends, there is always that one person who everyone knows to be spiteful or selfish. They always contribute the least amount of money for pizza and rarely ever tip. They will always prank you back harder than you...

Depressed? So were your ancestors

Depressed? So were your ancestors

When considering something as potentially crippling as depression, it is easy to think that there is no silver lining and that depression is all bad. Though many people suffer from depression and require medication or other forms of...