A combination of tobacco and marijuana which is rolled into cigar then soaked in malt liquor.
Back To Back
When a drug addict uses heroin and crack cocaine in immediate succession.
Bad Seed
Refers to marijuana that has been mixed with peyote and sometimes heroin.
The act of getting high on inhalants by using a paper bag.
Bath Salts
A form of drugs whose chemical makeup can vary wildly but often has effects similar to methamphetamine. It is called bath salts as it was originally sold as such to avoid legal ramifications.
Behavior Camps
Treatment facilities that focus on providing discipline and encouraging appropriate choices in patients.
Behavior Modification

be·ha·vior mod·i·fi·ca·tion

1. Rooted in the principles of operant conditioning, Behavior Modification is a treatment strategy that replaces or "modifies" undesirable behavioral patterns with more desirable ones, through learning techniques such as biofeedback and/or positive/negative reinforcement.

Behavior Modification was developed by American psychologist and behaviorist B. F. Skinner (1904-1990). Skinner formulated the concept of operant conditioning by observing that behaviors could be shaped by reinforcement (encouraging certain behaviors through a system of rewards) or lack of it. In Behavior Modification therapy, it is common for the therapist to write a contract with the patient to establish the terms of the reward system.

2. Other commonly used terms are Behavioral Therapy or Applied Behavior Analysis.

Behavior therapy

As a broad term referring to psychotherapy, behavior analytical therapy (or a combination of both), Behavior therapy, in its broadest sense, focuses on either just behaviors or in combination with thoughts and feelings that might be causing them.

Behavioral Catalyst
An event or situation that causes a certain type of reaction in a person when it occurs.
Behavioral Health
The ability to achieve a level of mental and emotional stability that allows for normal and healthy functioning.
Sadness or depression that can occur following the death of a loved one. In normal circumstances this will only last for a short period of time.
Binge Drinking
The act of drinking an excessive quantity at one time, often with the goal of becoming heavily intoxicated. This type of drinking in particular has serious health risks.
Binge Eating Disorder
A disorder that is characterized by a person going through periods of near starvation punctuated by eating extremely large amounts of food. This eating pattern can have a negative impact on a person's health.
A slang term for people addicted to crack cocaine.
Bipolar Disorder
A mental health condition that is characterized by extreme swings in mood. Those suffering from this disorder will find themselves quickly switching between mania and severe depression for no apparent reason.
Blue Ice
A street name for methamphetamine.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A mental illness in which a person will become obsessed with perceived faults in their physical appearance that may or may not actually exist.
The process of forming an emotional attachment between two people.
Boot Camp


Boot camps were initially created to assist soldiers in preparing for war. The United States uses boot camps to prepare young soldiers for all of the scenarios of warfare, and provides them with the skills and knowledge they require for adequately protecting our country. However, within the last 50 years, boot camps have become widely popular in treating troubled adolescents who display out of control behaviors. Behavioral modification programs, such as these, are commonly referred to as, boot camps for troubled teens.

In terms of treating troubled teens, boot camps are a relatively new treatment. Starting in the 1960's, boot camps have become an ever increasing treatment option chosen by parents of troubled adolescents. However, Boot camps believe in negative reinforcement in order to 'break' teen's negative behaviors. Psychiatric professionals view boot camps' negative reinforcement strategy to be ineffective in promoting permanent change in troubled teens. In short, parents would be better off choosing an alternative to boot camps for troubled teens.

Alternative treatment options to boot camps

Although a child may appear to have 'changed' after returning home from a boot camp for troubled teens, the child's 'improved behavior' will almost certainly be short-lived. This is because  boot camps do not provide any necessary therapeutic restoration that the teen desperately needs. Therefore, choosing an alternative treatment option, such as residential treatment or a therapeutic boarding school for troubled teens, may be the best solution.

Borderline Personality Disorder
A mental health issues that results in quickly changing and difficult to control emotions. This in turn often leads to difficulty establishing healthy relationships.
Boys Boarding Schools
A facility that offers troubled boys a place to live as they receive therapeutic treatments and continue their education. This is often one of the first treatment options parents will consider.
Brain Disorder
A general term that encompasses a wide range of different physical and mental illnesses that impact brain function.
An eating disorder in which a person will continue to eat normally but will subsequently intentionally regurgitate their meals. Besides dangerous amounts of weight loss and malnutrition, the forced vomiting this disorder encourages can have a number of health impacts.
A person who repeatedly and willfully harasses and intimidates individuals with little or no provocation. This is often a self-defense mechanism for those dealing with difficult issues without support.