Why Doesn't My Young Adult Child Seem to Care About Anything?

Why Doesn't My Young Adult Child Seem to Care About Anything?

Written by Craig Rogers, Posted on , in Section Teens & Tweens

Is there anything more frustrating to a parent than a child who doesn't seem to care about anything? It can be like nails on a chalkboard. The problem is that most parents don't know how to help or to do anything that will change the situation. In fact the more you talk, the less they listen. Given all of the opportunities for youth today, it is a tough predicament to understand but one that has become rampant among today's youth. Most good parents want to "make" their child care about something, anything, but don't how to do it. Professional counselors can work with families to help the child find activities and purpose in their own life. They can also help parents learn how to communicate with their struggling youth to avoid being shut out when their well-intended advice is interpreted as nagging.

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