Lessons In Civil Rights Movements Taught By The King

Lessons In Civil Rights Movements Taught By The King

With the celebration of Martin Luther King day comes all the comparisons with it. People from all walks of life know and respect the things the MLK did for not just America's black population but for every American and a lot of others...

Im Married To Mr. Mom

Im Married To Mr. Mom

Plenty of Moms Know What I'm Talking About Imagine the most annoying sound in the entire world and multiply it by fifteen, that is my alarm clock. I usually hit snooze a minimum of twelve times and literally roll my body off the bed...

Beyonce: Hypocrite or Badass?

Beyonce: Hypocrite or Badass?

While she may have written a very poorly sourced "essay" of four paragraphs, I think "Queen" Beyonce Knowles Carter may have somewhat of a point when it comes to whether or not gender equality truly is a myth. "We need to stop buying...

Coke In Your System, Blood On Your Hands

Coke In Your System, Blood On Your Hands

Dating back to the Incas, this naturally derived narcotic has been used for medicinal and recreational social use in it's various forms as a stimulant. Native to the mountains in South American, the leaves of the coca plant have been...

Are Video Games Turning Your Teenager Into A Robot?

Are Video Games Turning Your Teenager Into A Robot?

These days, jam packed with technology, our youth and video games are closer than ever. Video games, especially violent ones, have quite the thrashed reputation. Coined as the reason the younger generation is disobedient, lazy,...

15 Movie Kids That Probably Just Needed Better Parents

15 Movie Kids That Probably Just Needed Better Parents

Am I the only one who thinks to myself, "Uh, where is your mother?" when watching adventurous teenagers and kids get themselves into scary, dangerous predicaments? Maybe so, here's my list of hooligans that could have used a tiny bit of...

Men Who Dress Like Dolls: The Double Life

Men Who Dress Like Dolls: The Double Life

I can imagine it, yeah. During your normal day, you are a middle aged man blending in with the other "Average Joes" going about your day as if you were any other person. But on those days when no one's home, no one's around, you powder...