TRIAD System Approach To Emotional And Mental Wellness

Written by Ben Rodriguez CPC, CLC, CMHT, Posted on

The Four Basic Survival And Thriving Needs We Must Have To Obtain Total Freedom From Our Emotional And Psychological Bondages 


Disclaimer: I am not a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist and therefore make no diagnoses of any one’s conditions just merely provide a clear and strong opinion based on 20 plus years of experience and professional education.  I am however a certified mental health technician, certified pastoral counselor and a certified life coach.  Even with the mental and spiritual certifications I cannot and will not attempt to give any type of medical and/or professional psychological diagnose or evaluation.  If you have been diagnosed with any medical or psychological illness you should seek the council and advise of a licensed professional.

In the proverbial game of life, we are always seeking to either avoid pain or gain pleasure; as such we are in need of changing our feelings and/or behavior.  There are three things that need to be reframed, retrained and renewed in order for this to happen: physiology, language and/or focus/beliefs.  In this free report, you will get a glimpse on why that is and how we go about accomplishing that.

The four-basic survival and thriving needs spoking of in the title of this report are as follows.


  • Certainty
  • Variety
  • Significance
  • Love/Connection


The TRIAD System along with psychological and biblical principle techniques and strategies is a holistic approach in helping individuals to overcome their challenges…PERMANENTLY!  It addresses all four of these basic and thriving needs.  Let’s take a close look at each one and see why that’s so important and an absolute game changer.



In certainty, we seek some sense of security, comfort and reasonable control.  Not knowing the outcome of something often concerns us in detrimental ways.  This is true only because we are unaware that uncertainty is there to encourage us to use the greatest power on earth that we have…Faith!

There are divine levels of peace, happiness, joy, power and blessings that faith draws into our lives that would be lost in certainty if that certainty was not gained through faith.  Please review scriptures Rom. 1:17 / Heb. 11:1-6 / James 1:1-4 / Mark 11:22-24.  When you come to the full and true awareness that life is happening for you and not to you, suffering will end as quoted by Tony Robbins.


Opposite of certainty is variety (uncertainty).  Although it might appear confusing and even controversial at first sight there is a needed balance of both certainty and variety (uncertainty) in different areas of one’s life.

It’s not uncommon for someone to be so certain about so many things that they become bored and no longer challenged.  Variety now becomes important in balancing things out.  As human being’s we are designed to grow and mature via being challenged.  As baby’s we are challenged to go from just laying down to moving, from moving to crawling, from crawling to walking as so forth.

As previously mentioned “life is happening FOR us, not TO us.  The next time you are challenged in some way you may want to carefully consider what about you or in you, needs to grow and mature.  This is how we discover what’s happening for us and not to us.  Variety adds a newness to the equation.



We need to have an identity that matters and is of value to us and to those closest to us that matter to us.  We our constantly in need of filling the void of one or more of these basic survival-thriving needs, in so many ways and on so many different levels, whether good or bad.  This often comes from trying to satisfy our ego or pride.

In the instant of a school shooting, that may be a less popular student who feels insignificant while being bullied by the more popular students.  Retaliating against the jocks by use of a firearm and violence give the less popular so-called nerd the significance he’s looking for.  Had he known that there was a much more positive and beneficial way of gaining that significance the whole entire incident could have been avoided.

Many people suffer with depression, anxiety and other low self-esteem emotions because it gives them a certain feeling of certainty, variety, significance and/or love and connection that are falsely manipulating in nature.  We’ll go into love and connection in the next paragraphs.  If only these less popular individuals would have known that the only reason the more popular individuals were bullying them was because they themselves were experiencing a void of one or more of these basic survival-thriving needs and didn’t know how to fill them, once again the whole entire incident could have been avoided.



The greatest human need we have is love and connection and the very reason for our existence.  Love and Connection is closely related to significance; it’s the need to feel special, unique, wanted and appreciated.  Many time’s we become so significant and so certain of everything that we become disconnected and then begin seeking out a way to reconnect and feel loved again.

Love in its most practical and simplest form, is someone caring for you in a very caring and sacrificial way outside of the norm.  The kind, type and level of relationship will determine if the love is of an intimate or platonic nature.  To know true love in its full form we must study the love chapter in 1 Corinthian chapter 13.  In fact, this chapter not only reveals what love is, it also reveals what love is not. 

Love is so powerful, so desired and so needed, that many time’s even when we’re not loving ourselves, just receiving it from someone else is enough to keep us pressing, hoping and feeling somewhat fulfilled.

If you can recall in the significance section above this section, many people suffer with depression, anxiety and other low self-esteem emotions because it gives them a certain feeling of certainty, variety, significance and/or love and connection that are falsely manipulating in nature. Through these negative feelings and behaviors, one connects to self and feels it’s better than not being connected at all.


All the needs above spoken of in this report can be met by simply changing behavior and feelings in certain ways simultaneously through language, focus/beliefs and physiology.  Our system is designed to help you reframe, reprogram and renew all three for a holistic permanent solution.


  • Language – self talk, visual language, tonality and temple.


  • Focus/Beliefs – perception, perspective, culture, experiences.


  • Physiology – breath, use of body, posture, medications, what you eat, etc. can change your biochemistry.


Okay, now that you’ve gotten a glimpse into the real world of emotional and mental challenges in the many different areas of anxiety, fear, worry and depression go to to schedule your FREE NO OBLIGATION 1 on 1 consultation and free session today to see how this system can be applied to your situation and get you to finally overcome your emotional and/or mental challenges once and for all.  Do it NOW! Before the negative power of whatever you are struggling with talks you out of it just to keep you trapped in it.


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