Young Adults and Cyber Bullying


When it comes to young adults and cyber bullying it is obviously no stranger to society. Bullying has been used as a deceptive tool by children for generations. However, the internet has provided a way for these cowardly practices to enduce the worst possible threat a child can experience; emotional distress

What is Cyber Bullying?

Basically, it is the act of harassment on the internet. When young adults take part in cyber bullying, they may utilize forums, chat rooms, and may even create fake profiles on social networking sites. However, most children are careless and utilize threats and blackmail to get what they want. A few examples may include:

  • A student will become bombarded with innapropriate and cruel emails at home. Even though there is no direct harassment at school, they are still a victim of cyber bullying. Why? Because the student has no idea who the emails are coming from, therefore, defamation of character takes place. The student will feel alone, afraid, and as though everyone is against them.
  • A bulletin board or forum on the school website is flooded with cruel notes or maybe even a rendered picture of rumors concerning the student being bullied. The rumors are not true, but kids will see them and believe that they are true. The student is then humiliated by their peers. This is cyber bullying.
  • A fake social networking profile is created by the cyber bully, showcasing the victims personal and private information. There may even be innapropriately rendered photos exposed in the profile. Pretty soon, the victim will recieve mass emails from strangers. You can rest assured that this profile will spread quickly throughout circles until someone gets severely hurt. 

What Can be Done About Cyber Bullying?

Cyber Bullies - If you are aware that your child is bullying someone through means of cyber space, you must stop it immediately. Today, nothing created online can be hidden from the authorities. Adolescent boys & girls can get mean and will not stop if you allow it to continue. Your child could potentially receive a misdemeanor.

Victims - If you are aware that your child is being cyber bullied, you must instantly teach them the benefit of being the bigger person. Do not allow them to contact the bully in any way. They must remain valiant and not play into the games that their bully has created.

When Should the Authorities get Involved?

If there are just a few incidents of emails, or cruel messages, these can be handled by educational staff and parents. However, if the cruelty continues into an obsession, the police must be contacted. For example; if a child is threatened, pertaining to bodily harm or extreme threats, including death, the authorities will need to be notified immediately. Be aware that when the authorities are involved, it can create a mess between friends and families.

Therapy Insider is an online mental-wellness news network. We provide a sharable daily digest of the best information and resources available for self-improvement, emotional wellness, mental health, behavioral health, and recovery. Therapy Insider is a powerful resource for helping families of troubled teens or struggling young adults, and our vision is that the wisdom of many will help secure a transcending hope for the one.

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