Anger Management Issues


Anger is a normal emotion children learn to feel during their first few months of life.  Anger becomes a problem when it is out of control and when its release hurts people emotionally or even physically. It is important to  recognize anger management issues.

Some believe that anger may be managed by trying harder to control. However, anger management problems are indications of larger issues at hand. Finding the underlying cause of anger management problems, and appropriate treatment is critical to attaining management of anger.

Causes of Anger Management Issues

  • Children witnessing poor anger management in their parents will by example learn negative behavior and poor regulation of their emotions. Children grow up believing that losing their temper is an acceptable and normal.
  • Children who experience or witness abuse may be at risk for developing anger management issues. Additionally they may develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
  •  Mismanagement of stress, due to parental divorce, job stress, an unhappy relationship or even the death of a loved one. May lead to feelings of being overwhelmed.
  • Children being taught to not  express emotions learn hide there emotions and see them as wrong or the need to be hide or repressed their emotions. Creating a pressure cooker environment.
  • Children suffering from Low self-esteem may misinterpret events or behavior from others and will react accordingly  
  • When people have a low tolerance to frustration they may react by lashing out
  • Hiding other emotions anger is a secondary emotion underneath may be emotions of hurt sadness, loneliness or grief when one feels safe these emotions may be identified
  • Sleep Deprivation may also be cause of feeling edgy or irritable; sleep problems may be seen as insomnia, sleep apnea, and be poor sleep hygiene, opening the door for bouts of anger.

Medications may be the cause over the counter, prescribed or illicit drugs.  Wrong medication or excessive use of medication may result in excessive anger bouts. If you or someone you love is experiencing excessive anger issues seek help, get to the bottom of what the cause is and find proper treatment.

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