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The 3 Character Traits That May Keep Your Teen Out Of Trouble

There are various reasons why a teenage boy will struggle in school, in relationships, or with their behavior. However, there are 3 main character traits that can keep a teenage boy from getting into serious trouble. And the failure to develop these important character traits will put them in the slippery path of temptations and problems.

Without these valuable qualities, boys will be unprotected from the danger of the often destructive influence of their peers. In today’s culture, there are few opportunities for at-risk boys to get the support and experience they need in order to develop the necessary qualities needed for success.

The residential treatment program and boarding school at Ashcreek Ranch Academy specializes in building these character traits in young men. And building the following character traits are the focus of our efforts:

1 – Responsibility

Learning to take responsibility and accountability for ones actions helps troubled boys see beyond the immediate thrill associated with the negative choices that are often made. Ashcreek Ranch Academy uses a variety of methods and activities to help boys learn a strong sense of personal responsibility.

2 - Self-discipline

Troubled boys often have serious issues with self-discipline. Ashcreek Ranch will help them see past their immediate desires and make choices that will benefit them in the long run. This developed habit can make an enormous difference for those with impulse control issues.

3 - Empathy and compassion

Many troubled boys don't really understand how their actions affect those around them. And it’s common for the teen to subsequently make poor choices with little regard for others. Ashcreek endeavors to instill in the boy a sense of empathy that will cause them to think about the well-being of others before making destructive decisions.


Can Ashcreek Ranch really make a difference for your son?

Ashcreek Ranch Academy seeks to help every troubled boy develop as a person, and gain the skills that are needed to thrive upon their return home. If you have a son who has been struggling with problems like substance abuse, anger, violence, poor grades, or some other issue, Ashcreek’s program can make a difference. They have helped hundreds of boys struggling with these problems and they can bring about the same positive change in your boy's life as well.

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