League Of Legends: Unsung Heroes

Everyone out there who has ever played league of legends knows all to well the group of toxic players that bring the community down. The troll, the inexperienced and the rager are all players that diminish the quality of game. But what about those players that truly make the game enjoyable? Here’s a list of who I believe to be the unsung heroes of the LOL community.

The Quiet Dominator

You’re struggling bottom lane.  For whatever reason first pick didn’t ban Blitzcrank and you have to deal with constantly being pulled. Mid lane is holding his own fighting an uphill battle complaining the whole time. Blaming the jungle who is stuck camping bot lane helping them deal with Blitzcrank. And in this chaos of a game that looks like a surrender at 20:00, that player has quietly been dominating top the whole time. He never once complains and after a hard fought solo top push backdoor victory says only “good game” and leaves. He is the blessing that we believe riot sends in order to give us some shred of hope in maintaining our sanity.

The Team Leader

This guy knows the game. He knows what the other players are going to do before they do it, and counters them. He is the William Wallace that leads our team to victory. He is positive and calm in the face of adversity and knows exactly what needs to be done to win. He isn’t overly aggressive and only asks for results never demanding anything.

Mr. Positive

In the face of almost utter defeat he’s the guy that says “we got this.” Probably played well or at least decent. Instead of saying some rude remark about how crappy the jungle is, he compliments them and says late game is where we’ll win. He wants a peaceful playing environment where everyone plays to have a good time win or lose.

The Aware Guy

This game requires maximum amount of mini map awareness. And every now and then your teammate knows what’s up. He sees that you’re struggling in the jungle as the enemy jungler comes to steal, and even let’s you have the kill. Goes bot as mid lane to gank while you clean up his lane and keep his opponent occupied. The aware guy isn’t well known as a hero but if more played like he did we’d all be diamond. 

The Martyr

You and your teammate are running for your lives, after face checking the mid lane bushes your only hope to survive a five versus two is to run. Side by side you run, pinging as much as possible in an attempt to usher your teammates for back up. No one comes. You look at your teammate and he looks at you, and you both know one of you has to bite the bullet. Without even saying a word he doubles back headlong into the multitude, that is your enemy. He fights valiantly, giving you a chance to escape as the icy cold hand of death over takes him. This my, fellow leaguers is the martyr. 

Humble Pie

Too many times we forget that League is a team game. ADC does stand for attack damage carry, but do you think she can carry all on her own? Often times they forget about the glorious support that got them there doting on their own successes. But every now and then your adc, or anyone that carries you, takes time to recognize the little people that got them to where they are. Humility is an aspect not commonly found in games on League. 


The last but not least is, Phil. Phil, is that guy in pre-game that doesn’t care where he goes. He takes the position that no one else wants and does it with a smile on his face. Phil is just a good guy.

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