Facts To Help Parents Understand the Link Between Creativity and Depression

Facts To Help Parents Understand the Link Between Creativity and Depression

Written by Curtis ReedPosted on in Section Teens & Tweens

There has a been a long history relating to a connection between creativity and depression especially in bipolar mental illness. For the most part, it is believed that the two are connected, although there is a smaller consensus that believe this is not true and that depression stifles creativity. The theory dates back to the 1870's and many believe some of the most creative minds of the past centuries suffered from the disease. Most notably, several prominent playwrights, novelists, biographers, and artists have  been diagnosed with the illness. After their deaths, knowledge of their of the illness is widely recognized. Unfortunately, among young adults the mental illness may not be evident as they possess some much talent. Which is why you often hear the surprised and unexpected response from friends who may be close to young adults committing suicide. Therapy Insider offers years of experience in working with young adults and mental illness.

It's Important To Recognize The Symptoms Associated With Mental Illness

An example of a young adult is Tom, who excelled in academics and sports. He was well-liked among his peers and his parents were proud of his achievements. Towards the end of his high school career, he seemed to be less concerned about his grades and would brood in his room more often. His parents recogized his symptoms mostly due to the fact that mental illness was prevalent in their family. With professional help, Tom was able to experience balance and meet the demands of his life with confidence. Education is crucial for parents to understand what their child may be experiencing as early treatment may prevent much heartache in the future. Naturally, most children have not lived life long enough to be able to recognize mental illness or realize that their experience is anything but normal. It is important for parents to take time to listen and keep communication open to understand what lies beneath the surface of their child's mind. A professional counselor can help make the difference in your child's life.