Parenting On Purpose Article Listings

Doctor Gives His Expert Advice To Parents : How to Support a Child Suffering From Anxiety Disorder

Doctor Gives His Expert Advice To Parents : How to...

Battling anxiety in your teens is terrifying and lonely. Many adolescents who suffer from anxiety, fight their battles in secret, unbeknownst to family and friends. What's worse, these teens have a difficult time trusting anyone and feel...

6 Ways Parents Can Encourage Their Teenage Boy

6 Ways Parents Can Encourage Their Teenage Boy

Having Trouble Raising Your Teenage Boy? Try to Encourage Him Raising a teenage boy can sometimes be a daunting task. Adolescent males are living in a phase of self-discovery and may become discouraged by the stresses that come...

Five Types of Peer Pressures That May be Harming Your Teen

Five Types of Peer Pressures That May be Harming Your Teen

Peer Pressures Can Bend a Teen Until They Break Peer pressure is something that can affect any teenager during any point in their adolescence. If the cool kids at the top of the pecking order say it’s cool, it is so. The...

6 Ways That We Parents Can Be Better Examples for our Teens

6 Ways That We Parents Can Be Better Examples for our Teens

Growing up in a Christian family, my dad taught me a valuable lesson early in my childhood.  He said, "Don't tell me your testimony of Jesus, show me!"  I am sure he was referring to the bible teaching of Actions Speak Louder...

Should Adopted Teens Search for Their Birth Parents?

Should Adopted Teens Search for Their Birth Parents?

It’s natural for adopted teens to wonder where they come from. Adoptees want to know their story to understand who they are. Finding out who their birth parents are helps an adopted teen have a sense of history and identity to...

Parenting Done Right: Ten Parents With the Right Idea

Parenting Done Right: Ten Parents With the Right Idea

Having children, and raising them, can be one of the most difficult but rewarding tasks we ever have to face. Raising kids can often feel so mundane, as it seems our children never learn even from their most basic of mistakes. It...

How Should Parents Feel About E-Cigarettes

How Should Parents Feel About E-Cigarettes

You see them walking down the street, an entourage to flashes going off all around them, they are carrying a shopping bag from some store you have never heard of all while smoking on a cigarette. Wait, there isn’t any smoke, what...

Dying Mother Gives Baby A Chance At Life

Dying Mother Gives Baby A Chance At Life

  Mothers everywhere are thrilled to hold their child for the first time. For Elizabeth Joice, it was no different. She held her sweet little girl to her chest and breathed in the love that every mother knows. But with Elizabeth...

Daddy Makes Toddler An Action Film Hero

Daddy Makes Toddler An Action Film Hero

It's not always easy to connect with your children, especially if you have a demanding job. Work can easily get in the way of spending time with family if you let it. Sometimes this means you have to find creative ways to really connect,...