Editors Picks Article Listings

The Answer: Individual & Shared Meaning

The Answer: Individual & Shared Meaning

This is the world we live in, if we were not surrounded by it everyday, if we didn’t take it for granted, if the power of its presence or the pain of its absence not so common, we would be shockingly amazed at its brilliance and...

Conflict Resolution: Is Shared Empathy the Answer?

Conflict Resolution: Is Shared Empathy the Answer?

Over the last few days the dominate world headlines have focused upon the regional conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. Of course, world allies and human interest quickly expands the conflict to world concerns and nations taking...

Life is Asking You Questions: Your Happiness Depends on Your Answers!

Life is Asking You Questions: Your Happiness Depends on...

We all have a desire to “live the dream,” this is a natural and compelling aspect of the human experience. The very essence and vital nature of motivation to live a life in the pursuit of happiness is set in motion as we live...

Know How to Cope with Stress Or Your Stress Response May Kill You!

Know How to Cope with Stress Or Your Stress Response May...

“Those who know how close the connection is between the state of mind of a man--his courage and hope, or lack of them--and the state of immunity of his body will understand that the sudden loss of hope...

Current Attitudes and Trends of American Teens About Drugs: Marijuana Returns

Current Attitudes and Trends of American Teens About...

One of the most frequently asked questions by concerned parents is: “What are the “in” drugs and what are the attitudes and use amongst teenagers?” Staying abreast about all the new drugs as well as patterns and...

Understanding the "Blind Spot" in Addiction

Understanding the "Blind Spot" in Addiction

We have all heard the statement “you don’t know what you don’t know.” While we all accept that we are not “all knowing,” the consequence of “not knowing or seeing” lessons of life can be...

The New Nicotine for Teens

The New Nicotine for Teens

One of the first rites of passage, at least that I can remember, took place when I graduated from elementary school. In our community it was referred to as the "maturation discussion" with the parents. As I wrestled through the...

What Happens When the Smoke Clears? Thirdhand Smoke Stays

What Happens When the Smoke Clears? Thirdhand Smoke Stays

On a rainy day in Junior High, my mom provided me with a rare ride to school. We engaged in normal conversation about school, friends, and expected chores when I arrived home. Beyond the discussion, part of the ride included my mother...

The Side of Marijuana Use Nobody Talks About

The Side of Marijuana Use Nobody Talks About

“Marijuana is a victimless crime,” they say. The recent legalization of recreational marijuana use in Colorado might make us wonder if pot is really as bad as we thought it might have been. When you ask those who are...